Converse - Case Study
Traveling is fun, but sooner or later travelers run into language barriers. While learning the language of every country we visit is not practical, there are strategies we can use to make our overseas journey enjoyable and less scary without knowing the language of the locals.
Design a mobile application that would make travelling less intimidating and more comforting.
My Role
User research, wireframing, prototyping, usability testing and visual design.
Project Time
8 weeks, from concept to full prototype.

Language barriers can make communication difficult.
Language barriers can cause frustration and inconvenience.
Language barrier is one of the reasons why some people do not want to visit other countries where English is not spoken.
Language barriers can make people appear unfriendly.
The enjoyment from small pleasures such as travelling and engaging in social interaction is compromised.
Language barriers can weaken the cultural experience.
A person may feel inadequate, shameful and sad for not being able to understand and share simple ideas.
It is not possible to learn a language each time you visit a new country.
It is difficult to retain new words in memory.
